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Annual Production Sale
Friday, April 11, 2025

Selling 85 Hereford and Angus Bulls

Please call, text or write for a catalog!

Welcome to our Website!

Our ranch is located in north central South Dakota near the beautiful Oahe reservoir. The ranch was homesteaded in 1886 by Rasmus and Severina Thorstenson, immigrants from Norway.

Today the ranch is owned by the 4th and 5th generation! Bill and Paula along with our son, Darin and Danielle operate the ranch. Darin and Danielle have three girls, Gracin, Landri and Haven. Our son Tate and Michaela and their family… Miah, Micah and Noah help whenever possible. Assisting us on special events are our daughter Beth and Rich Fiedler and their family… Brady, Collin and Rachael.

Our cow herd consists of L1 and Wrangler genetics with emphasis on polled, functional cows derived from horned genetics. We strive to produce females with fertility, structural soundness and natural thickness. Our cowherd’s production is based on our tremendous native grass.

Wrangler 25L and Thor 4029 are sires that have based our cow herd and have been a major influence in our program.

Thanks for your interest!

Cade Opheim with Reserve Champion
Steer at SD Steer Special. Sired by Trigger
and 25L Dam. Largest rib eye and placed
3rd in carcass contest.