Hereford and Angus heifers will be available privately, Spring 2019

Listed below are several of our registered females with their 2017 calves. The females listed here have videos taken in late September, 2017.
THR MISS THOR 0102X with bull calf 7145E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0176X with bull calf 7310E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0177X with heifer calf 7070E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0227X with bull calf 7240E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0289X with heifer calf 7256E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0343X with bull calf 7319E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1195Y with heifer calf 7164E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1314Y with heifer calf 7260E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2013Z with heifer calf 7187E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2063Z with heifer calf 7284E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2080Z with heifer calf 7211E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2116Z with heifer calf 7087E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2125Z with bull calf 7155E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2146Z with bull calf 7219E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2172Z with bull calf 7305E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2190Z with bull calf 7118E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2192Z with bull calf 7210E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2212Z with heifer calf 7322E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3023A with heifer calf 7317E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3038A with heifer calf 7282E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3072A with bull calf 7283E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3116A with bull calf 7204E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3130A with heifer calf 7268E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3196A with heifer calf 7096E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3206A with bull calf 7280E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3247A with heifer calf 7082E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 5124C with heifer calf 7009E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7100T with heifer calf 7065E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8066U with bull calf 7215E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8144U with bull calf 7261E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9185W with bull calf 7212E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9191W with heifer calf 7170E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Heifer Calf THR MISS THOR 7100E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Heifer Calf THR MISS THOR 7233E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Show Steer THR THOR 7339E
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Listed below are several of our registered females with their 2013 calves. The females listed here have videos taken in late September, 2013.
A few also have video from 2011 and 2009.
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4211 with bull calf 3210A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5041 with heifer calf 3090A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6127S with heifer calf 3290A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6167S with heifer calf 3116A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6177S with heifer calf 3025A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Heifer Calf 3150A - 4029 x 7006T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7010T with heifer calf 3072A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7016T with bull calf 3060A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7072T with heifer calf 3026A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7100T with bull calf 3293A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7140T with heifer calf 3148A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7142T with heifer calf 3120A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Bull Calf 3027A - 4029 x 7170T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7200T with bull calf 3020A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7216T with heifer calf 3130A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Heifer Calf 3017A - 20X x 7244T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8015U with bull calf 3068A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8024U with heifer calf 3132A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8073U with bull calf 3287A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8080U with bull calf 3085A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8086U with heifer calf 3145A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8100U with bull calf 3101A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8187U with bull calf 3313A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9124W with bull calf 3096A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9191W with heifer calf 3023A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9196W with bull calf 3052A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Bull Calf 3153A - 0150X x 9217T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9220W with heifer calf 3036A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
with bull calf 3218A
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Listed below are several of our registered females with their 2011 calves. The females listed here have videos taken in late October, 2011.
A few also have video from 2009.
with bull calf 1240Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree

THR MISS THOR 1028 with bull calf 1200Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1192 with heifer calf 1100Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4060 with heifer calf 1257Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4078 with heifer calf 1098Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4197 with heifer calf 1161Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4211 with heifer calf 1175Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5010 with bull calf 1191Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5040 with heifer calf 1295Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6075S with heifer calf 1099Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6107S with bull calf 1040Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7005T with bull calf 1261Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7010T with bull calf 1140Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7016T with heifer calf 1176Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7021T with bull calf 1173Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7023T with bull calf 1248Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7047T with bull calf 1269Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7085T with bull calf 1268Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7100T with bull calf 1084Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7115T with heifer calf 1104Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7147T with heifer calf 1250Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7170T with heifer calf 1160Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Bull calf 1072Y - 13T x 7187T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7216T with heifer calf 1236Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7244T with heifer calf 1085Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7248T with heifer calf 1249Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8086U with bull calf 1024Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8119U with heifer calf 1271Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8187U with heifer calf 1189Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8212U with bull calf 1112Y
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1123Y - heifer calf by Thor 4029
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1141Y - heifer calf by Harland 529
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1175Y - heifer calf by 13T
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1271Y - heifer calf by Harland 108
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
Listed below are several of our registered females with their 2009 calves. The females listed here either have videos or still pictures taken in late October, 2009.
THR MISS THOR 7005T with bull calf 9004W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7041T with bull calf 9023W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5226 with heifer calf 9083W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5121 with bull calf 9084W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8050 with bull calf 9092W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 8138 with heifer calf 9120W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 9187 with heifer calf 9125W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4158 with bull calf 9126W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 3012 with heifer calf 9130W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7003 [DOD] with bull calf 9131W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2183 [DOD] with bull calf 9136W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 6107S with heifer calf 9140W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0266 [DOD] with bull calf 9145W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree

THR MISS THOR 2095 with bull calf 9146W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0009 [DOD] with bull calf 9148W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5040 with bull calf 9150W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4130 with heifer calf 9155W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4228 with heifer calf 9169W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5273 with bull calf 9171W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4211 with bull calf 9190W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 7245T with heifer calf 9197W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1081 with heifer calf 9207W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree

THR MISS THOR 6020S with heifer calf 9214W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1028 with bull calf 9215W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 2153 with bull calf 9222W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 0259 with bull calf 9246W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree

THR MISS THOR R5041 with bull calf 9260W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4078 with bull calf 9262W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1160 with bull calf 9271W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5072 with heifer calf 9279W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR R5018 with heifer calf 9280W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 1067 with bull calf 9298W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree
THR MISS THOR 4216 with heifer calf 9313W
Video, EPDs and Pedigree